Our goal is to help golfer’s optimize their body and health to play the game of golf with higher levels of performance, longevity, and pain free.


We start by collecting baseline measurements of certain health and fitness aspects. In order to progress systematically, we need to know where we start. The baseline measurements include:

“ If you don’t assess, it’s just a guess” By obtaining objective measurements, we can gage the progress throughout the program.

***Note that we use only the baseline measurements that individuals are currently capable of completing safely.***

1. Titleist performance Institute Physical Screen: 15 movements that screen for proper coordinated and balanced full body movements specific to the golf swing. Stability and mobility is assessed through each movement as well.

2. Body height / weight/ body –fat percentage: Although we do not stress the numbers of the height/ weight/ and body fat %. It is important to know these measurements as they can be useful in determining the success of the training program and overall health. This is optional.

3. Vo2 max /1.5 mile time: A pillar of fitness, is the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen and sugar rates) to the working muscles. This is a test to see what our aerobic capacity is. How efficient is our body at completing 18 holes with vigor?

4. T- shuttle time: The T- test measures the agility of the individual. How fast coordinated and efficiently can one change direction. Linear, lateral, and backpedaling movements will be tested.

5. Max- push-ups (1 minute): Upper body pushing strength, shoulder stability, and core activation is tested.

6. Max – pull ups. (no time req.): Upper body pulling strength, shoulder stability, and core activation is tested.

7. Max sit- ups (1 minute) /front plank time: Anterior (front) Core strength and stability are tested.

8. Jump height: The maximal jumping height is measured. The ability to complete a maximal full- body coordinated effort.

9. Broad jump: The maximal jumping distance from a standing position is measured. The ability to complete a maximal full- body coordinated effort.


Working as an Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) preventing, assessing, managing, and rehabilitating sports injuries over the last 16 years has made me aware of some of the most devastating injuries that are highly preventable. We implement a dynamic warm-up to every workout focusing on proper movement patterns, building proprioception (body position awareness), reaction/ reflexes, muscle health (foam rolling and active stretches), symmetry in movement, muscle activation, and stability exercises.


Functional training is a way of training that has become popular in the last 10-15 years. It’s a method that focuses on training movements and having the proper muscle firing or activation to complete the movement efficiently. Most of our daily required movements are a form of function. Whether you play a sport, work in a factory, we as humans have streams of movement potential. Getting past what movement looks like on the outside and training the inside physiological processes the way they have been laid down is the ultimate in training.


Optimal training results are direct outcome of proper lifestyle habits. When people do not reach their fitness goals (if reasonably stated), it is primarily the aftermath of improper sleep, stress management, poor nutrition, and secondarily is poorly designed training program with lack of injury prevention and volume control. There are 168 hours in a week. A moderate to intense load of fitness training may be 5-10 hours a week of 168 total hours or 2-5% of the time. The healthy constructive use of the other 95-98% of the time is vital to the success during the time that we train. The volume or the amount of training is important in that there must be a consistent approach to the volume of training over a period of time. In addition, we stress the importance of a cycling approach. We like to train for 6 -8 week a time towards a specific goal. When this goal is attained we shift gears and rest. In life we have to recognize that we cannot always be racing up the mountain. We will crash and burn.

There are 3 specific energy systems that the body uses to energize the muscles to create movement. This is the phosphocreatine system (Power), anaerobic system (Strength), and the aerobic system (Strength Endurance). We specifically focus on each one of these systems individually and specifically to maximize and diversify the individual’s fitness. The idea here is that we want each person to develop their power, strength, and strength endurance.


Regeneration is the process of the body that recovers from a stress and adapts to that stress. Exercise is a stress on the body and if not managed correctly, this can lead to over training and physical breakdown or injury. Foam rolling, stretching, proper rest, proper nutrition including hydration are all vital to the regeneration process. After each workout, we finish with a cool down that includes stretches and movements that reinforce health body alignment and muscle function. We also plan our workouts to be on a schedule so that the volume of training is gradual and allows the body to adapt over time. We plan our workouts on a cycle so that there are times when we go hard and there are times when we go medium and there are times when we go light. This is called periodization and is an important concept to embrace and understand when maintaining a chosen level of fitness.